Tatyana Ponti MD

Primary Care

Primary Care Practice & Internal Medicine Physicians located in Little Silver, NJ

Primary Care

Primary care is your first stop for all everyday health needs. At the office of Tatyana Ponti, MD, in Little Silver, New Jersey, you can benefit from comprehensive primary care services, including chronic care management, preventive medicine, and acute care for minor injuries and illnesses. Call the office to learn more about how you could benefit from primary care, or book an appointment online today.

What is primary care?

Primary care physicians like Tatyana Ponti, MD, provide all your everyday health care needs. You visit them for routine checkups and preventive services to stop you from getting sick. You also go to your primary care provider first whenever you’re unwell or injured.

You’d only bypass primary care if you have potentially life-threatening injuries or symptoms — for example, severe chest pain, loss of consciousness, paralysis, and severe bleeding. In these cases, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.

What services does primary care provide?

The office of Tatyana Ponti, MD, provides a wide range of services, including:

Acute care

Acute care covers all your minor illnesses and injuries, including:

  • Coughs, colds, sore throat, and flu
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Eye infections
  • Ear pain
  • Rashes and hives
  • Burns and scalds
  • Cuts and puncture wounds
  • Fevers
  • Strains and sprains

Often, you can manage these problems at home with basic first aid, rest, and over-the-counter medication. However, if your symptoms are severe or persistent, or you have underlying health problems that make you vulnerable to complications, you should contact the office of Tatyana Ponti, MD.

Chronic care management

Long-term conditions like diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, and high blood pressure require regular monitoring. Chronic care management ensures you see Dr. Ponti regularly, minimizing the effects of your condition and slowing its progress.

Annual physicals

An annual physical is a routine exam where Dr. Ponti checks all your health indicators and looks for signs of medical problems before they become more severe.


Vaccinations protect you from numerous diseases, ranging from tetanus and polio to hepatitis and COVID-19.

Weight management

Excess weight has multiple adverse effects on your health. If you need expert support to lose weight and keep it off, Dr. Ponti can provide ongoing care.

She offers on-site lab testing and uses advanced remote patient monitoring technology to assess your health when you’re at home.

Can I access specialized services through primary care?

If Dr. Ponti determines you need to see a specialist, she can refer you to an appropriate practice. She then liaises with your specialist to provide you with coordinated day-to-day care. 

Call the office of Tatyana Ponti, MD, or book an appointment online today to learn more about benefiting from exceptional primary care services.