Tatyana Ponti MD

Chronic Care Management

Primary Care Practice & Internal Medicine Physicians located in Little Silver, NJ

Chronic Care Management

Long-term health issues require ongoing medical monitoring to manage symptoms and prevent complications. At the internal medicine practice of Tatyana Ponti, MD, in Little Silver, New Jersey, Dr. Ponti provides personalized chronic care management. The board-certified internal medicine physician takes a conservative and integrative approach, providing well-rounded care that benefits your whole health. Call the office or schedule your chronic care management appointment online today. Telemedicine appointments are available.

What is chronic care management?

Chronic care management is a health service that helps you manage your chronic health condition. Chronic diseases are health problems that last a year or more and require ongoing medical care that may affect your daily life. 

When left unmanaged, many chronic diseases may lead to other health problems that can decrease your quality of life. Chronic care management provides the tools and support necessary to manage the disease and prevent or delay complications.

Chronic care management is also a covered benefit for patients with Medicare Part B medical insurance. 

I have diabetes. Do I need chronic care management?

Dr. Ponti can help determine who can benefit from chronic care management. The primary care practice manages general health, acute illnesses, and chronic diseases.

Any long-term health condition that affects how you live your life benefits from chronic care management, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Obesity
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma

Medicare Part B patients qualify for chronic care management if they have two or more chronic diseases. 

I want to change my medication. Is that a chronic care management service?

Chronic care management at the office of Tatyana Ponti, MD, is personalized. The practice features modern technology to ensure patients get the comprehensive care they need while still providing the personalized one-on-one care they deserve and expect.

Chronic care management services include:

Medication management

Medications help manage diseases and symptoms. The internal medicine practice keeps track of your prescriptions and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, adjusting your medications to prevent unwanted side effects and interactions. 

Care coordination

Chronic care management at Tatyana Ponti, MD, also includes care coordination, ensuring you get referrals and other health services to help you manage your health and wellness outside the doctor’s office.

Weight loss management

The office of Tatyana Ponti, MD, also provides weight loss management with a registered dietitian who customizes plans for long-term results. Maintaining a healthy weight benefits many chronic diseases. 

Remote patient monitoring 

The primary care practice also provides telemedicine and remote patient monitoring. These innovative tools help them monitor your disease during your normal routine. 

Chronic care management helps you take control of your health. For personalized and professional care, call the office of Tatyana Ponti, MD, or schedule an appointment online today.