Tatyana Ponti MD

Laser Skin Rejuvenation / Sun Damage Spot Removal

Nov 06, 2009

Laser Skin Rejuvenation / Sun Damage Spot Removal

Laser energy is absorbed by the pigmented area where it is converted to heat, causing a break up in the pigment. In broken capillaries and spider veins, the laser energy is absorbed by the pigment in the blood and collapses the unwanted vein. For wrinkles and skin toning, the laser stimulates collagen growth. Enhanced skin rejuvenation is ideal for eliminating a variety of problem including: broken capillaries, age/sun spots, flushing, pigmentation variances, spider veins, freckles, wrinkles, large pores, rosacea.

Effects are cumulative. After the first treatment, you will see improvements to broken capillaries, small facial veins and some pigmented areas within a few days. Other improvements such as wrinkle reduction and toning will be more subtle and may take one to three months. Friends may suggest that you look more rested. With each treatment, subtle changes will accumulate until you have achieved the improvement you desire. A series of three to six treatments, spaced two to four weeks apart, is our standard recommendation. Occasionally, more treatments may be needed for certain individuals or conditions. Periodic occasional maintenance treatments may be prescribed for optimal, lasting results.

Serious complications are rare. Common side effects include:

  • Temporary redness and mild “sunburn” like effects lasting a few hours to 3-4 days..
  • Pigment changes (light or dark spots on the skin) lasting 1-6 months may occur in 5-20% of patients and are most likely in darker skin types and especially in patients with tanned skin.
  • Other potential risks include itching, pain, bruising, burns, infection, scarring, swelling.
  • Lasers can cause eye injury and protective eyewear must be worn during treatment.

Pretreatment Instructions:

  • Do not tan for four weeks prior to treatment , daily apply sun block SPF 30 or higher to treatment areas four weeks prior to treatment.
  • Tell us if you have taken Accutane in the past six months or are planning to begin taking Accutane
  • Inform us if there has been any change in medical history since your last visit
  • Discontinue all retinoids, glycolic acid and vitamin C products, and anything else which can be irritating, for three days before treatment.

Post-treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid sun exposure and wear sun block SPF 30 for 1 month after treatment on all treated areas that may be exposed to the sun.
  • Cold compresses may be applied to reduce redness and swelling
  • Wash area twice a day with gentle cleanser, cool or lukewarm water and your hands only. Pat dry.
  • Use of retinoids, glycolic acid, vitamin C products, and any other potential irritants may be started after all irritation from the procedure resolves.
  • Do not exercise vigorously for 48 hours after treatment, do not take hot showers, baths, use hot tubs or saunas for 48 hours after treatment.

Post-treatment Expectations:

Expect some redness and swelling that may last from a few hours to a couple of days. Darkened pigmentation may persist and peel lightly for up to one week. Makeup can be applied to the treated area immediately if necessary.